Preparing For Your Mastectomy
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be earth-shaking. As easy as it is for people who have been through it to tell you that you will get through it (you will), it can seem like there is an overwhelming amount of preparation that will need to take place in a very short amount of time. Now is not the time for stoicism or isolation. You will need the people around you to get through the coming months.
- Get your physical health in order. Start a stretching regimen daily. Yoga is great for this! Work on building strength, particularly in your core. For several weeks after your mastectomy you will not be able to use your arms to push up out of the bed or chair or even to get sleeves on. You’d be amazed at how much core strength you can get in just a couple weeks of exercise, and your post-surgery self will thank you!
- Make a few meals for your freezer. There are going to be lots of days when just keeping yourself fed and cared for is going to feel impossible. Frittatas made from eggs, cheese, and vegetables are easy to make, and once they are cooked you can cut them into squares and wrap them individually for easy breakfasts. Soups can be frozen in individual containers for quick and easy meals. Casseroles and meals that can be cooked in the crockpot are also great freezer meal options! Be sure to ask your friends about starting a meal train for your recovery.
- Organize your support network. You’ll need someone to take leadership over coordinating your care because you will not have the energy to even tell people how to help you some days. Having a few people who can take you to appointments when you can’t drive, clean your house, watch your kids when needed, do yard work, and cook or coordinate meal deliveries is going to be invaluable.
- Clean your recovery space. Not only is it important to recover in a place that helps you feel relaxed, but it can also prevent infection. Be sure that your bathrooms and kitchens get a good deep clean before your surgery. Change your sheets the night before your surgery and again before you leave for surgery and clean all of your bedding so that you will have a clean and comfortable place to recover. Make sure your comfy blankets and pillows on the couch have been laundered, as well.
- Plan comfortable garments for your recovery. Our Necessary Comforts post-surgical drain holder is a must for patients recovering with JP or Blake drains, which can pull and tug if not secured properly. Soft and comfortable loungewear, both for home and appointments, is very important, particularly with front zippers and buttons to make dressing easier. Warm slipper socks and blankets and other comfort items will help you stay warm and comfortable during your recovery.
- Put together a surgery notebook. Carry it with you to all appointments and make sure that frequently accessed information like your insurance carrier and policy number and date of birth are located conveniently inside the cover for helpers to refer to. Keep notes about your specific diagnosis, medical provider names and numbers, and the dates that certain treatments took place. In a few short years you will be referring to these dates as anniversaries to be celebrated!
Check out our previous blog post, Best Gifts For Breast Cancer Patients.